2011 a pay to play interstate police wiretap was installed on my computer devices and was shared with at least three New York law firms and nine PA court officers who used the access to coordinate my witness suppression to ensure the Federal Judge appointment of Republican Judge applicant Edward Smith. Someone paid for a Republican Federal Judge appointment.
Starting 2011 union loyal Apple store employees charged me full price for computers they knew NYPD used their influence under the color of law gain illegal, non-judicial ownership of my laptop’s volume and bootstrap tokens from Apple. In addition to the wiretap NYPD also misused their DAS Closed Circuit TV [ CCTV ] camera system linked to my NYC Jewish Republican landlord’s and adjacent buildings public facing security cameras. The CCTV cameras were used to assist break-ins to my apartment from the roof. Ethernet cables were re-run to bypass my CISCO UC520 firewall and PBX. The intruders logged into and usurped ownership of existing computer devices.
[ 2016 Over twenty NYPD Inspectors, Detectives and Commanders were charged with taking bribes from 2011 to 2016 specifically from NYC Republican extremists; Ultra-Orthodox Jewish foreign agents working for Republican Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu making a living as real estate developers representing the NYC Republican Jewish landlord community. The community leaders operated as regular criminal bribe liaisons between NYPD resulting in a “private police force for them and their friends” ].
The reason my suppression was procured under the color of law via a non-judicial wiretap was because on 12/21/2006 – 2011 Republican federal judge applicant Judge Edward Smith – silently approved a genetic mental retardation billing code ICD-9 MR317 for my daughter Emilie at the behest of the Easton School District’s attorney Ray DeRaymond after the District lost my law suit against them specifically ruling out ICD-9 MR317 that DeRaymond recommended. Offending federal racketeering law.
Attoreny DeRaymond also recommended Emilie matriculate to Lehigh University Transition Services after her 2010 graduation—an employment contractor for the mentally retarded retained by the District —that needed the fraudulent billing code to do business and subsequently steel from Medicaid.
Diagnosis code ICD-9 MR317 was ruled out by three other court rulings DeRaymond was party to, including a medical diagnostic that proved Emilie had NO genetic defects that could possibly cause treatment for ICD-9 MR317. Nine PA court officers conspired with DeRaymond and took bribes from Lehigh to silently approve ICD-9 MR317 which Lehigh needed.
2010 Kraemer v. Pennsylvania 10-cv-4868
09/10/2010 I sued 49 defendants in federal court. Everyone involved with my educational lawsuits after my daughter’s Federal Guardian Shanon Moore 08/27/2010 finalized the SALE of my daughter into involuntary servitude proscribed by 18 U.S.C. § 1584(a) to special education employment contractor for the mentally retarded Lehigh University Transition Services by silently approving genetic mental retardation billing code ICD-9 MR317 in exchange for a bribe. Moore and the other guardians had no reasonable explanation for Emilie’s placement at Lehigh University Transition Services or her third degree cigarette burns so Federal Judge John R. Padova let me sue all of them.
01/25/2011 my case Kraemer v. Pennsylvania was arbitrarily transferred to former Republican Congressman N.J. Judge William J. Martini.
Soon afterward defendant Lehigh University Transition Services sex trafficked my daughter Emilie—the subject matter of Kraemer v. Pennsylvania— to an anonymous judge in a dirt parking lot behind PA Magistrate District Court 31-1-06 in Bethlehem PA in exchange for wiretap access to my business computers and phones.
[ 02/06/2013 Emilie contracted scabies an STD which almost killed her. 06/05/2017 PA Magistrate District Court 31-1-07 Judge Robert Halal committed suicide with a shotgun blast to his head when I filed a federal motion to show cause seeking the identity of the parking lot judge. The motion never made it to the public docket until a special supervisor request was made. The back up to my laptop was stolen the next day 06/06/2017. The laptop was stolen 04/21/2017 the day I opened case 17-cv-2913.
04/21/2017 was also the same day an Apple computer science Ph.D. told me the volume on my device was owned and controlled by someone else which of course was NYPD/PA POLICE.
06/01/2022 I discovered Judge Robert Halal committed suicide the same day as my 06/05/2017 motion. I published a press release. PITTA/PBA/DEA organized and directed maimings by the 18th Precinct at Columbus Circle afterward. My knees were electrocuted until I could barely walk, holes were drilled into my teeth and gums while sleeping. NYPD used security cameras to facilitate orgnazed torture, felid operations carried out by union members on a victim in the middle of Manhattan. 07/24/2022 a for-hire union member tracked me into a Dunkin Donuts and threatened me. He said he was a professional fighter and was going to “fuck me up.” I defended myself – I was arrested. Throughout the entire arrest process I was regaled with PBA/DEA union slogans. My arrest had nothing to do with the law I was arrested by their union and its extremist Republican political views.
A strong a reaction. A PA Magistrate Judge [ Robert Halal ] provided the means for the pay to play via an interstate wiretap. Access [ most likely an MDM admin panel ] was distributed to lobbyist/government specialist Pitta Bishop & DiGiorno LLC, law firms Fried Frank, Jacob Fuchsberg, NYPD DEA, PBA and almost every union Pitta represents to help Republican Judge Edward Smith to remain in office after his appointment. ]
The off-the-books wiretap to my business Kraemer Inc’s computers during Kraemer v. Pennsylvania 10-cv-4868 had screen sharing access. Access to emails, intellectual property and building security camera access.
Defendants saw draft motions before I filed them. My daughter on visitation days complained about her anonymous “judge friend with subpoena power.” He communicated to me through Emilie what email’s he was reviewing, knowledge of my clients, what I was working on etc., while he had physical access to my daughter. He maintained a constant atmosphere of witness intimidation and coercion during Kraemer v. Pennsylvania | EDPA | 10-cv-4868.
Lehigh University Transition Services and the Court officers got the initial witness suppression they needed to prevent my discovery of their silent, illegal use of genetic mental retardation billing code ICD-9 MR317.
10/2011 my case was dismissed with prejudice as a result of their concealment of ICD-9 MR317. They lied to Federal Judge William Martini, and the Delaware U.S. Attoreny who joined my case Kraemer v. Pennsylvania.
Their concealment allowed judge Ed Smith to seek a federal judge appointment. Thus, it became imperative that I NOT discover Judge Smith’s silent approval of ICD-9 MR317 while he was seeking federal nominations.
Genetic mental retardation billing code ICD-9 MR317 is the unmistakable thread and criminal fraud that set into motion this stupid criminal dance so that republican Judge Edward Smith could apply for federal judge.
Parties criminal guilt is exemplified by their strenuous concealment of ICD-9 MR317. Defendants were given many opportunities to come forward, or report it in court documentation but never did. instead they skirted around interrogatories, wiretapped my computers spoiled ESI and 2012 – 2013 used extreme violent witness suppression.
04/21/2017 Apple Ph.D. computer science candidate at the 14th Street Apple Store in NYC told me a Mobile Device Management server was connected to my laptop stating that: I actually “did not own the computer” I bought from that Apple Store. She never saw anything like that before and made substantial documentation about it for Apple.
What she meant in lay terms even though I owned the physical “device” someone else owned the “volume” and could do whatever they wanted with it. The “volume” is the programmable content residing on the hard drive.
Apple Stores: 1981 Broadway | 401 West 14th Street | 103 Prince Street | 767 5th Ave each charged full price for tainted laptops they knew the volumes of illegally belonged to NYPD/PA POLICE/PBA
Apple Stores: 1. Ether installed the police union controlled volume at the time of purchase or 2. Created a stockpile of volume-swapped devices to sell to select customers at the request of NYPD.
According to the Apple Ph.D. computer science candidate, because I had no control over the volume my emails “could be going anywhere”
07/02/2018 1:00 AM I received an email from 20th Precinct Sergeant O’Keef who wanted a meeting an hour after I emailed myself notes concerning the 20th Precinct’s insane action regarding my landlord’s use of toxic fumes they called attempted murder then refused to investigate. The 20th Precinct clearly had access to my computer.
The email also came 3 months after NYPD Inspector Brian McGinn was named by the FBI for taking bribes from Jona Rechnitz.
05/2013 Toxic fumes were vented into my apartment just after One Police Plaza NYPD Commander Harrington was bribed by Republican foreign agent Jona Rechnitz. A real estate developer living in my UWS neighborhood working for Republican Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu fumes continued until I was able to mitigate them with a industrial fan running 24/7 after Judge Edward Smith was nominated for federal judge by President Obama 08/01/2013.
11/04/2013 toxic fumes and infestation were FAR more intense the same day 20th Precinct NYPD Inspector Brian McGinn began his promotion instigated by Republican Jewish foreign agent Jona Rechnitz who claimed to be the leader of NYC Republican Jewish landlords and was bribing NYPD leadership with expensive dinners and causing their promotions.
11/06/2013 more toxic fumes and infestation while Republican Judge Smith was before U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee forcing me out of my apartment by 11/16/2013 and into hotels managed by HTC [ Pitta’s long standing union client ]. Their client, HTC broke into my rooms tampered with them and were assaulting me during my sleep.
On or about 11/19/2013 I went to the 20th Precinct seeking help from fumes and infestation. A Sergeant and then a Lieutenant thought my description fit assault and likely attempted murder. I asked about an investigation. The reply was: “Come back and see us again if your landlord does it [attempted murder] again.” Subsequently my detective’s report was erased from the NYPD database. 10/22/2014 I was arrested by the 20th Precinct for falling asleep at the subway across from my uninhabitable, toxic apartment, they knew was used for attempted murder.
06/2020 A tech I hired the RossmannGroup identified an MDM server not belonging to me or Apple during a ROM chip diagnostic. Then refused to give me the contact information from the XML file.
06/21/2023 Apple Corp identified an MDM server “of a particular type.”
2012 PA Court officers, NY lobbyist Pitta Bishop & Del Giorno LLC used the pay to play wiretap to coordinate the destruction of my existing Kraemer Inc. clients, then steered me to TWO LAW FIRMS conspiring with Pitta Bishop & Del Giorno and the PA Court Officers to be able to control what I was working on [ i.e. not discovery] and guarantee the Republican Federal Judge appointment of EDPA Judge Edward Smith.
The New York law firms, Fried Frank, Jacob Fuchsberg, Pitta and the PA court officers coordinated project managment emergencies with distractions concerning my daughter’s extreme abuse and near death around Judge Edward Smith’s federal judge nomination milestones to keep me and subsequently the United States from discovering Judge Smith’s and the Court Officer’s illegal approval of genetic mental retardation billing code ICD-9 MR317 while Judge Smith sought appointment.
The enterprise used their influence to have in-house corporate attorneys. Of businesses I worked for, to tell marketing directors not work with me shutting down existing agreements after being vetted including:
Grant Thornton LLP;
RSM McGladrey;
Each of the marketing directors for these firms [above] received sudden phone calls just after approving me—to not hire me.
The association-in-fact enterprise also fouled an opportunity for selling my patented software ProposalProse to the DOD by going after a former NSA analyst who was making the referral—he suddenly lost his job.
02/23/2012 Rothstein Kass hedge fund accounting firm. The project manager was abruptly replaced with a manager with no experience and deliberately attempted to log jam the project partners were expecting for a key marketing event. NYPD DAS misuse. During the corse of the project the RK project manager would call the moment I arrived at the front of my building or the moment I left. I would also get calls from my daughter in PA when the RK manger would call and arbitrarily scream into the phone. The account was arbitrarily closed 10/15/2012 after 6 years of helping Rothstein Kass. I.e., there was project disruption under the color of law.
10/15/2012 First law firm: Jacob Fuchsberg suddenly showed up with business then slow walked the account.
08/12/2013 Second law: firm Fried Frank hired me right after that project ended and set up a bait switch that sucked up resources for a large project then fired me.
11/06/2013 I was gassed out of my apartment via the use of toxic fumes the same day Judge Smith was before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee and forced into hotels 11/16/2013 managed by Pitta, Bishop & Del Giorno LLC’s union client the Hotel Trades Council. My hotel rooms [ hotel hell ] were a miasma. HTC members regularly broke into rooms and injured me in my sleep.
02/24/2014 Fried Frank fired me the day I answered Northampton County disability support hearing No. 16690.
It asked why Judge Paula Roscioli was seeking disability support for a federally protected mild learning disorder PDD-NOS Ordered by the State Education Appeals Panel along with $255,000 Emilie could use for colleges to make up for the education denied to her and why the fuck was genetic mental retardation billing code ICD-9 MR317 showing up on Emilie’s medical billing documents after it was specifically ruled out by
(i) Administrative Proceeding No. 5779 05/06, (ii) the Education Appeals Panel No. 1727 (iii) Federal Court Settlement. [ See pages 9 and 10 ]
Judge Paula Roscioli dismissed my case for lack of prosecution.
That is, I was fired by Fried Frank 02/24/2014 for asking questions about the very thing Pitta, the law firms and the Court officers sought to distract me from—ICD-9 MR317—the same day I FedExed the answer for 02/25/2014 delivery.
The law firms/court officers could see everything I was typing and threw me into chaos 4 weeks before Judge Smith was to be appointed federal judge: I was deliberately gassed out my apartment, got assaulted in hotels I stayed in by Pitta’s HTC client and cut off from income.
03/04/2014 DHCR refused to inspect my apartment I was gassed out of. The coordinated events sent me to the street.
03/26/2014 Judge Edward Smith, a child slave trading, child torturing thug was appointed federal judge by a full Senate vote.
03/27/2014 Emilie was overdosed into seizures brain damaging her.
Attempted to expunge NYPD’s volume control from my computer and iPhone has resulted in physical intercepts by NYPD at Apple Stores
NYPD has showed up at Apple Stores to impeded and intimidate my discovery and computer purchases seeking who had illegal wiretap access to my computers. Apple employees at SoHo lied to me when I asked about the new devices volume seeking to confirm my ownership.
NYPD showed up a Apple 14th Street, Apple SoHo, and made significant attempts to get me to back off at Apple Fifth Avenue. Apple security made strong, direct threats using union slogans including one death threat by Apple security at Apple Fifth Avenue Flagship by a security guard after setting up an Apple Business account.
03/26/2023 Apple Store Fifth Avenue Flagship.
I went to Apple to set up an Apple Business account to attempt to flush their token from my computer. NYPD looked directly at me swirling his finger around his head non-verbally stating that I was crazy. This miscreant knew who I was and took some personal umbrage with my setting up an Apple Business Account which demonstrated the conflict of interest.
03/26/2023 Apple Store Fifth Avenue Flagship. Security at entrance —made death threats after an Apple Business account meeting.
04/25/2023 Apple Store Fifth Avenue Flagship. NYPD Counter-Terrorism officer made threats of future violence prior to an Apple Business account related meeting.
Reasonable people would agree our Counter-Terrorism officers ought to be preventing pay to play racketeering of our U.S. federal judge appointments. During 2012 -2016 NYPD was a target by the FBI for taking bribes from extremist Republican Jewish foreign agents working for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in exchange for favors. It remains to be seen what parties paid for the wiretap. What I do know is who was using it and why for which NYPD vigorously disrupted discovery.
06/22/2023 Apple Store 14th street. Security at the entrance—threats of future violence before Apple Business account meeting.
The illegal wiretap continues and is used to block my employment, to track and maim me for seeking property rights.
NYPD continues to demonstrate a deep conflict of interest and violent for-hire retaliation is the result for discovery.
The interstate pay-to-play gang took no prisoners. They destroyed and robbed whoever they needed to ensure Judge Edward Smith would become a federal judge so their lucrative business of selling normal children [ child slavery ] to special education contractors would go unchallenged and never investigated.