

Brain damage on call Dr. Cha Yu

The table proves my daughter's seizures were planned two weeks after her attempted murder failed 8/28/2013 and set off deliberately the day after Ed Smith's 3/26/2014 federal judge appointment by Dr. Cha Yu, Guardian Lisa Spitale and mother Amy DeRaymond.

Dr. Yu co-administered Bupropion with Risperidone. Bupropion is known to cause seizures if not managed properly. Risperidone is metabolized by the CYP2D6 isoenzyme present in Bupropion increasing the blood serum of Risperidone 6 fold lowering the threshold for seizures to occur. Risky. "If Bupropion is added to the treatment regimen of a patient already receiving a drug metabolized by CYP2D6, (Risperidone) the need to decrease the dose of the original medication should be considered particularly for those concomitant medications with a narrow therapeutic index." Such as Risperidone.

03/27/2014 Dr. Chu Yu the day after Ed Smith's federal judge appointment DOUBLED Emilie's dosages of Risperidone causing seizures, brain damaging her.

08/23/2014 Guardian Lisa Spitale and my sister, Deputy G. Kraemer attempted to lure me to live in Easton PA by withholding contact from my daughter and collaborating with my landlord to keep me out of my apartment via his use of toxic fumes. They did not tell me they brain damaged my daughter, Federal Judge Ed Smith's child trafficking victim.

Medication facts can be verified here



No diagnosis is ever listed with prescriptions from Dr. Cha Yu by CVS


1.HPA axis suppression from high powered immunosuppressant misuse.

2. Degrading, inhuman treatment, torture.


Improper extreme medication dispensed two weeks after I stopped Emilie's attempted murder by Spitale, DeRaymond, Moore and Koger on 8/26/2013


Premeditated seizure attack via the introduction of co-administered Bupropion with Risperidone at 30 day intervals until Ed Smith's 03/26/2014 federal judge appointment then doubled Risperidone dosage to set off a brain seizure 3/27/2014. Afterward dosages are no longer administered consistently instead additional dosages are tied to my federal court motions setting off additional seizors

The dosing of atypical antipsychotics

Population pharmacokinetic analysis of drug-drug interactions among risperidone, bupropion, and sertraline in CF1 mice

1. Lowers threshold for seizures to occur

NJDRCHA YU None listed1. HPA axis suppression from high powered immunosuppressant misuse. RISPERIDONE 0.5 MG30 tablets. Monthly.AntipsychoticCVS07670023xxxx0000FDA Risperidone

1. "incidence of seizures may exceed that of other marketed antidepressants by as much as 4-fold"

2. "Wellburtrin is contraindicated in patients with a seizure disorder".

NJDRCHA YU None listed1. HPA axis suppression from high powered immunosuppressant misuse. BUPROPION SR 150 MG30 tablets. MonthlyAntidepressantCVS07670023xxxx0000FDA Bupropion
42013-09-13Admission of attempted murder by EK's Mother

Emilie's mother's email to me warning me not to call her doctor's after getting our daughter properly diagnosed and cured of Norwegian Scabies--she caused-- the day after she put our daughter on a course of harmful medication used to cause seizures the day after Ed Smith's federal judge appointment 03/26/2014

NJEmail mother-Amy DeRaymond 1.10.9
72013-10-24NJDRCHA YU None listedExtreme abuseRISPERIDONE 0.5 MG35 tablets. MonthlyAntipsychoticCVS07670024xxxx0000
82013-10-24NJDRCHA YU None listedExtreme abuseBUPROPION SR 150 MG35 tablets. MonthlyAntidepressantCVS07670024xxxx0000
92013-11-04NYPD 20th Precinct Inspector Brian McGinn got a promotion influenced by Israeli republican foreign agent, UWS real estate developer and Republican Jewish Collation member Jona Rechnitz. McGinn was later named by the FBI for taking bribes from Rechnitz. Rechnitz was using his political connections to significantly influence NYPD promotions and reciprocal favors such as omission of duty. NYINSPECTOR BRIAN MCGINN 11/4/2013 McGinn promotion
102013-11-04My NYC Upper West Side apartment was turned into a miasma of toxic fumes and infestation. NYFATHERTHOMAS KRAEMER
112013-11-06Republican Judge Edward Smith is before the U.S. Senate Judicial Committee for his initial federal judge application hearing. DCJUDGEEDWARD SMITH
122013-11-06My NYC Upper West Side apartment was turned into a miasma of toxic fumes and infestation. NYFATHERTHOMAS KRAEMER
132013-11-16145 West 71 St. Apartment conditions were so toxic I was forced to move into hotels or risk serious injury or death. NYFATHERTHOMAS KRAEMER
142013-11-19NYPD 20th Precinct determined the description of my apartment fit assault and likely attempted murder. The sergeant and lieutenant took no notes, made no report then refused to investigate: "Come back and see us again if he [the landlord] does it again." On subsequent visits to report toxic fumes I found a detective's report I made independently was erased. NYNYPD2OTH PRECINCT
152013-11-29NJDRCHA YUNone listedExtreme abuseRISPERIDONE 0.5 MG 30 tablets. MonthlyAntipsychoticCVS07670024xxxx0000
162013-11-29NJDRCHA YUNone listedExtreme abuseBUPROPION SR 150 MG30 tablets. MonthlyAntidepressantCVS07670024xxxx0000
172014-01-02NJDRCHA YUNone listedExtreme abuse RISPERIDONE 0.5 MG30 tablets. MonthlyAntipsychoticCVS07670025xxxx0000
182014-01-02NJDRCHA YUNone listedExtreme abuseBUPROPION SR 150 MG30 tablets. MonthlyAntidepressantCVS07670025xxxx0000
202014-01-07 01/07/2014 Emilie: sexual assault at private residence taken to by Lehigh.
212014-01-12Sunday visitation. Emilie told me about an assault in bits and pieces. She was assaulted at a private residence by a man at a house Lehigh staff took her to. Emilie is sickly looking.
222014-01-13Monday email to Federal guardian Shanon Moore. Emilie needs to see an MD.
232014-01-1512:39 PM Email to Federal Guardian Shanon Moore Ms. Moore: Thank you for seeing that Emmy saw a doctor. However, her need to see a doctor closely correlated with some friction with one of Spin's [Lehigh's] people. This not the first time. Emilie more often than not does not know who she is with and does not like who she is with. Today is a perfect example of that. These people interfere with my relationship with my daughter and that nonsense needs to stop at once. My daughter is not to go to their homes, pet their animals, be coerced to cover for them.
252014-01-16US Senate Judiciary Committee Nominated Ed Smith for Federal Judge NJ
262014-01-23Guardian Lisa Spitale and mother Amy DeRaymond refused to send me a copy of Emilie's doctor's report.

Ms. Moore: Emilie has clean clothing for the first time in a very long time. However, what Emmy continues to contend is some altercation between her and the spin employee. And, she has stated that the doctor called the police "a little bit."

I want to see Dr. Xequiel Hernandez's report without further obstruction or delay. Especially because I asked that Emilie see a doctor and the initial resistance to that request. Anything you can do to help expedite the matter without needless friction would be greatly appreciated.

272014-01-24Email from federal Shanon Moore was total fraud:

"...Further, the SPIN staff does not take Emilie to their homes or provide her with access to their animals..."

07/20/2012 See SPIN [Lehigh] staff with Emilie at their private residence with access to their animals. (Their dog logger) Emilie suffered many cigarette burns from them.

Shanon Moore was lying [again].

No phone call or report from the police because it was the police. That Northampton County police were around Emilie during her sexual assault is a pattern that started with Lisa Spitale's guardian appointment by Judge Ed Smith.

282014-01-24Retaliation against Emilie for reporting sexual assault. Emilie had fingerprint bruises from being restrained and burned the next day. No report, no explanation.

I never get the doctor's report.

382014-01-27NJDRCHA YUNone listedExtreme abuseRISPERIDONE 0.5 MG30 tablets. MonthlyAntipsychoticCVS07670025xxxxX2?
392014-01-27NJDRCHA YUNone listedExtreme abuseBUPROPION SR 150 MG30 tablets. MonthlyAntidepressantCVS07670025xxxxX2?
402014-02-23NJDRCHA YUNone listedExtreme abuseRISPERIDONE 0.5 MG 30 tablets. MonthlyAntipsychoticCVS07670026xxxx0000
412014-02-23NJDRCHA YUNone listedExtreme abuseBUPROPION SR 150 30 tablets. MonthlyAntidepressantCVS07670026xxxx0000
432014-03-27105 tablets of Risperidone prescribed

In lay terms its like they set off a bomb in my daughter's head. A perfectly timed, preconceived massive seizure.

The RICO enterprise proved it intended to use Ed Smith's federal judge appointment to violate predicate offenses indefinitely into the future.

NJDRCHA YUNone listedInduced Seizures
Double dosage
RISPERIDONE 0.25 MG30 tabletsAntipsychoticCVS07670026xxxx0000
442014-03-27NJDRCHA YUNone listedSeizures RISPERIDONE 0.5 MG30 tabletsAntipsychoticCVS07670026xxxx0000
452014-04-16NJDRCHA YUNone listedSeizuresRISPERIDONE 0.25 MG45 tabletsAntipsychoticCVS07670027xxxx0000
462014-05-16OPEN 14-cv-3804 SDNY
Kraemer v. Edelstein.

NYFatherThomas KraemerCM/ECF Exhibit L was altered by SDNY ProSe clerks
472014-05-19MONDAY Federal guardian Shannon Moore announced recusal.PAGuardianShannon MooreEmail 4.11
482014-05-21WEDNESDAY Conference email submitted by Federal Magistrate Tim Rice to replace Federal Guardian Moore. PAJudgeTim RiceEmail 4.12
492014-05-25SUNDAY 126 tablets of Risperidone prescribed. PAMotherAmy FontnoNone listedInduced Seizures
Doubled dosage
RISPERIDONE 0.25 MG126 tabletsAntipsychoticCVS07670027xxxx0000
502014-05-28WEDNESDAY Federal Judge Ed Smith's guardian appointee Lisa Spitale applied for Moore's Federal guardian position. PAGaurdian Lisa SpitaleEmail 4.14
512014-06-09DISMISSED 14-cv-3804

The facts in the order were the opposite of what was stated.

NYClerk Pro Se Attorney
522014-06-23OPEN 14-2221 U.S. APPEAL 2ND CIR.
Kraemer v. Edelstein
NYPlaintffThomas Kraemer
532014-07-08 FILE DOC 25 14-2221

I submitted my 2/26/2014 answer to Court of Northampton County for disability support. It reported Emilie's offical diagnosis PDD NOS approved by the Appeals Panel and Judge Ed Smith's 12/21/2006 approval of false claim congenital mental retardation diagnosis code MR317 at the behest of his law partner Attoreny Ray DeRaymond. A violation of federal law.

What followed was horrific.
542014-07-0860 tablets of Risperidone prescribed.

NJDRCHA YUNone listedInduced Seizures
60 tablets. Double dosages three days apart.
RISPERIDONE 0.25 MG30 tabletsAntipsychoticCVS07670028xxxx0000
552014-07-08NJDRCHA YUNone listedRISPERIDONE 0.5 MG30 tabletsAntipsychoticCVS0767002852320000
562014-07-1160 tablets of Risperidone prescribed.

NJDRCHA YUNone listedInduced Seizures
60 tablets. Double dosages three days apart.
RISPERIDONE 0.25 MG30 tabletsAntipsychoticCVS076700285934X1?
572014-07-11NJDRCHA YUNone listedRISPERIDONE 0.5 MG30 tabletsAntipsychoticCVS076700285935X1?
582014-07-11SEIZURES NJDRCHA YUNone listedLAMOTRIGINE 25 MG30 tabletsANTICONVULSANTCVS0767002859330000
592014-07-24NY Family Court Disability Support Demand
FILE 236180
Docket F-41808-14
CSMS NY75023N1

After filing Doc.25 14-2221; they brain damaged my daughter and then filed for interstate disability support 12 days later. Doc.25 exposed federal judge Ed Smith just 3 months after his 3/26/2014 appointment to federal judge for his approving false claim diagnosis MR317. i.e., these animals filed an interstate disability support demand to save face #236180 with no disability diagnosis code or type filed with the demand.

No one was arrested for this sickeningly obvious crime.

602014-08-17Violent Extortion: Lisa Spitale, Deputy Gretchen Kraemer

8/17/2014 PA parties cut off communication with my daughter in collaboration with my landlord Edelstein a defendant in my federal appeal 14-2221 2nd Circuit.

Specifically, my daughter was used as a bargaining chip to get me to back off of my federal claim against DeRaymond / Edelstein while Edelstein kept me out of my apartment with toxic fumes. (i.e., to get me to move me to Easton Pa where Ed Smith was appointed federal judge.)

They hid from me while attempting to lure me to Easton PA was the severe brain damage they inflicted upon my daughter the day after Ed Smith was appointed Federal Judge 3/27/2014.

They, attorney DeRaymond, Lisa Spitale, and officer G. Kraemer, were murdering witnesses: me and my daughter on Judge Ed Smith's behalf.

08/23/2014 Deputy G. Kraemer mailed a one-way ticket to Easton PA.

08/23/2014 Guardian Lisa Spitale cut off phone contact with my daughter with the understanding I could see her IF I used the One-Way ticket to Easton PA.

After I refused to comply with the extortion:

08/26/2014 Spitale and Mother DeRaymond overdosed Emilie into seizures.

08/28/2014 PA Federal guardian Lisa Spitale's sent a letter approving my daughter's mobile phone theft.

08/29/2014 Landlord Edelstein filed for non-pay dwelling #27965 with housing court that I owed him $14,747 when in fact he owed me $283,644.99.

e.g., three weeks after these assholes applied for disability support for a disability they manufactured, they collaborated to destroy my home, cut me off from income, and attempted to force me to move to Easton PA.

612014-08-2690 tablets of Risperidone prescribedNJDRCHA YUInduced Seizures
90 tablets
RISPERIDONE 0.25 MG90 tabletsAntipsychoticCVS0767002932980000
622014-08-26SEIZURES NJDRCHA YUNone listed LAMOTRIGINE 25 MG60 tabletsANTICONVULSANTCVS0767002932990000
632014-08-2814-2221 U.S. APPEAL 2ND CIR

1. Lisa Spitale cut off cell phone contact with my daughter

2. Landlord Edelstein filed false instrument for 5 months unpaid rent which was over paid by $283,644.99.

NYNone listedCommon purpose 2.53.0
642014-09-14NjDRCHA YUNone listedInduced Seizures
45 tablets
RISPER1DONE 0.25 MG45 tabletsAntipsychoticCVS0767002961440000
652014-09-14SEIZURES NJDRCHA YUNone listedLAMOTRIGINE 25 MG60 tabletsANTICONVULSANTCVS0767002961450000
662014-09-24Get CVS data of my daughter's prescriptions.
Find overwhelming abuse.
NYFatherThomas Kraemer

Federal guardian Lisa Spitale lied about my daughter having seizures she caused.

9/25/2014 "Dear Mr. Kraemer: I have received multiple emails from you demanding that Emilie stop taking medications which you believe have been prescribed to her. I do not know how you obtained what you believe to be a list of Emilie's medication, as you are not her guardian. Much of your information is inaccurate. In addition, please be assured any medication Emilie may take would be prescribed by one of her treating doctors and would be carefully monitored by the prescribing doctor."

PAGuardian Lisa Spitale
682014-10-13My US Appeal 14-2221
Kraemer v. Edelstein MTR was dismissed.

My daughter was not returned.

10/13/2014 I went to find my daughter on a Monday night visitation date. 8:50 PM: Four Easton police showed up and surrounded the vehicle. Officer Meg who pretended not to remember our conversation about clearing my court ordered visitation.

Officer Meg called my sister, Deputy Kraemer [Judge Ed Smith's close friend] refused my court ordered visitation with my daughter. Mother DeRaymond was overdosing Emilie at the time brain damaging her on Ed Smith's behalf.

8/6/2012 Deputy Kraemer refused to make arrests for my daughter's torture and instead attempted to parlay my wanting it to stop into a meeting with federal judge applicant Judge Ed Smith.

692014-11-01Saturday I picked up my daughter for visitation after she called me. On the way back to NY, Easton PA officer MEG called wanted to know where we staying. I told her it was none of her business.

We staid at a hotel because my apartment was still lethal.

11/4/2014 guardian Lisa Spitale flied a PFA and did not move on it until 2/6/2015.

Spitale deliberately put off the hearing until the day after my rigged 2/5/2015 housing court trail.

Spitale's excuse for not holding the hearing in two weeks as required was my not answering the Sheriff's mailed service. PFA's are required to be served in person, by the Sheriff. Northampton County Courts regularly cut conners on service, skirted due process.

They had NO jurisdiction over me.

This was the last time I saw my daughter. Until my mother died 1/7/2022. These are lawless child trafficking, child torturing, terrorist slime. The Philadelphia FBI was a worthless shit hole along with the PA AG's office.

Visitation order No. 2007-0021

PFA-2014-000815 | Spitale v. Kraemer

Child Trafficking Enterprise Prior to Crime Members Federal Judge Application

2011 forward the enterprise used and threatened interstate violence against Judge Ed Smith's victims to advance their business goals in the success of his Republican federal judge application. They collaborated with both domestic and international partners
Violent Extortion of the Federal Judge Applicant's most Risk Exposed Victim
Attempted Murder of the Federal Judge Applicant's most Risk Exposed Victim
Overdose Of The Federal Judge Appointee's Risk Exposed Victim
Slander/Robbery/Attempted Murder Of Federal Judge Appointees Victim's Father In NYC
Manhattan Housing Court
Retaliation by NYPD and NYC on behalf of landlord Edelstein after opening a show cause motion 1/27/2022