Above: 02/06/2012 I cigarette was put out on Emilie’s forehead in a parking lot she was taken to by Lehigh University Transition Services. Emilie contracted an STD soon afterward and said she was meeting her “judge friend”
08/17/2005 I sued the Easton Area School District for not educating my daughter Emilie Kraemer by falsely claiming she was mentally retarded and not worthy of regular education.
I submitted to PA Administrative Proceeding No. 5779 05/06 Emilie’s 2000 neuropsychological diagnostic from my uncle Dr. Warren Grover M.D. Head of Child Neurology St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children. Proof of NO genetic mental retardation and his diagnosis of PDD NOS a mild learning disorder. My Uncle was perplexed at Emilie’s low I.Q. scores and suspected abuse.
“Results from recent diagnostic testing, completed in order to assist in identifying the potential etiology of Emilie’s developmental delays, were reported to have been unremarkable including genetic test results ( e.g., no evidence of Fragile X )”
02/16/2006 Municipality Solicitor, Ray DeRaymond Esq. sued on behalf of the School District, against his granddaughter and submitted Dr. Regina Smock’s prescription for genetic mental retardation ICD-9 MR317 he knew Emilie could not have. Dr. Smock did no medical diagnostic. Transcripts | 2/16/06 Vol X | Pgs 1904 to 1907.
ICD-9 (International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision) code MR317 refers to “Fragile X syndrome” which is a genetic disorder caused by a trinucleotide repeat expansions in the FMR1 gene on the X chromosome. This disorder leads to intellectual disability, behavioral and cognitive problems. This code was used for medical billing and coding before October 1st, 2015, when it was replaced by ICD-10 codes.
FMR1 and the Fragile X Syndrome: Human Genome Epidemiology Review 2001 The article proves how ICD-9 billing codes [ MR317 mild, MR318 moderate and MR319 severe mental retardation ] are attributed to the X Chromosomes FMR1 gene’s full mutation. Full mutation is defined as beyond 200-230 CGG expansion repeats in the genes DNA resulting in Fragile X Syndrome. Once CGG expansion repeats surpass 200-230 copies interference in protein expression that regulates synaptic plasticity results causing an unpredictable degree of mental retardation i.e., Fragile X Syndrome. ICD has broken out these degrees of severity as billing codes: MR317 mild (IQ 50–70), MR318 moderate (IQ 40–54) and MR319 severe (IQ <20) retardation. [ Emilie’s DNA testing was done 10/2000 ].
No fragile X. What Emilie had were bruises from restraint while being burned with cigarettes before cognitive assessment exams causing resistance to being tested and impossibly low IQ scores. Extortion to give up property rights.
Administrative Proceeding No. 5779 05/06
Awarded Emilie $200,000 in comprehensive ed.
Mother DeRaymond / Fontno Silently treated EK for ICD-9 MR317
Easton School District / Merlo Silently treated EK for ICD-9 MR317
Magellan / Milestones Health Silently treated EK for ICD-9 MR317
PA Appeals Panel Proceeding No. 1727
Diagnosis was protected by Federal Law.
Awarded Emilie $255,000 in comprehensive ed.
Attorney/Mother DeRaymond Silently treated EK for ICD-9 MR317
Northampton County MH/MR Interagency Service Planning Team Meeting.
MH/MR Director Silently approved ICD-9 MR317
Easton School District / Merlo Silently treated EK for ICD-9 MR317
Milestones Health Silently treated EK for ICD-9 MR317
Lehigh U Transition Services Silently treated EK for ICD-9 MR317
Federal settlement No. 06-cv-3592
Diagnosis was protected by Federal Law.
Awarded Emilie $255,000 in comprehensive ed.
Attorney DeRaymond 1990-C-956 Silently approved ICD-9 MR317
Judge Edward Smith 1990-C-956 Silently approved ICD-9 MR317
Judge Smith offended federal criminal law
Fed Guardian Marcie Romberger
Concealed treatment of ICD-9 MR317
Attorney Ray DeRaymond Silently approved ICD-9 MR317
Judge E. Giordano Silently approved ICD-9 MR317
Guardian Lisa Spitale /appointed
Concealed treatment of ICD-9 MR317
Attorney Ray DeRaymond Silently treated EK for ICD-9 MR317
Lehigh U Transition Services Silently treated EK for ICD-9 MR317
Mother Amy DeRaymond Silently treated EK for ICD-9 MR317
Mother Amy DeRaymond Silently treated EK for ICD-9 MR317
Lehigh U Transition Services Silently treated EK for ICD-9 MR317
Dr. Richard Hess’s cognitive evaluation | Hired by Federal Guardian Romberger
Concealed treatment of ICD-9 MR317 in his report.
It was the only mental disability diagnosis code Northampton County was approving for billing. Marcie Romberger never mentioned the glaring material omission from Dr. Hess’s report.
(i) The word “current” is not foreign to Dr. Richard Hess. “EK is currently living with her mother; she is currently designated as an 11th grade student; her current language therapist; currently assigned….”
(ii) Given the mission of Dr. Hess’s report NOT stating that Emilie was CURRENTLY being treated for a medically and court ruled out, genetic mental retardation diagnosis code ICD-9 MR317 was EGREGIOUS FRAUD and in furtherance of a child slave trading business. Romberger brought Dr. Hess regular court business.
(iii) Emilie was brutally tortured before the exam. Most of her knuckles were burned, her arms were burned with cigarettes. One hole was nearly seared down to the bone. Her shins showed signs of burns. Emilie walked the halls of Easton High School with open, bleeding wounds on her hands. No one said anything. Not her mother, teachers, nor Dr. Hess. These are gangsters, slave trading children.
Mother Amy DeRaymond Silently treated EK for ICD-9 MR317
Lehigh University Transition Services Silently treated EK for ICD-9 MR317
Federal Guardian Marcie Romberger | Conflict of Interest. She recused herself because her husband was working for the School District’s attorneys. Federal Guardian Romberger who was silently approving EK’s treatment for ICD-9 MR317 made no mention of it in her recusal knowingly allowing the fraud benefiting her husband’s firm Sweet, Stevens, Katz & Williams LLP continue.
Mother DeRaymond 2007-0021
Kraemer v. DeRaymond
Concealed treatment of ICD-9 MR317
Lied in court that as far as she knew Emilie was diagnosed with PDD-NOS while she was silently signing and approving treatment for ICD-9 MR317 since 2006. Transcript pages 33-34.
Attoreny Ray DeRaymond and Judge Emil Giordano disability support fraud.
Concealed treatment of ICD-9 MR317
Guardian S. Moore lied on letterhead
Concealed treatment of ICD-9 MR317
Federal Guardian Shanon Moore Moore LIED to me on law firm letterhead for Gallagher, Schoenfeld, Surkin, Chupein & DeMis that Emilie was going to be educated at “Lehigh University” as someone with “Aspergers Syndrome” concealing from me her approval for special education employment contractor Lehigh University Transition Services to treat Emilie for genetic mental retardation billing code ICD-9 MR317 she approved.
Lehigh University Transition Services. Silently treated EK for ICD-9 MR317
Kraemer v. Pennsylvania 10-cv-4868
I sued 49 defendants in federal court. Everyone involved with my educational lawsuits after my daughter’s Federal Guardian Shanon Moore 08/27/2010 finalized the SALE of my daughter into involuntary servitude to special education employment contractor for the mentally retarded Lehigh University Transition Services.
Twelve were officers of the court with a duty to disclose their knowledge of genetic mental retardation billing code ICD-9 MR317 being processed for payment to treat Emilie.
Three were Pennsylvania publicly appointed officials including the Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly and Kevin Casey the Deputy Secretary for the Department of Public Welfare, and Chief Deputy Attorney General Mark Pacella.
The Delaware United Statesegregious fraud. a C. Hannigan made an appearance.
Kraemer v. Pennsylvania was transferred to former Republican Congressman N.J. Judge William Martini.
Judge Beltrami | DeRaymond v. Kraemer
Concealed treatment ICD-9 MR317
Guardians Shanon Moore, Lisa Spitale and mother DeRaymond sued me to be able to send Emilie to Camp Hill for two weeks —7 hours from me making visitation impossible. Lisa Spitale also applied for guardian at this time. They sued me [ Threatened me ] while I was suing them in federal court ( Kraemer v. Pennsylvania 10-cv-4868 ) for refusing to allow her to attend colleges she was accepted to and sending Emilie to Lehigh University Transition Services, an employment contractor for the mentally retarded who was treating her for ICD-9 MR317 they were silent about.
I made ELEVEN REFERENCES that Camp Hill was a school for the mentally retarded and that Emilie did not belong there. NONE of Plaintiffs said they were approving treatment for genetic mental retardation ICD-9 MR317 since 2006 after it was ruled out by three different courts they were all party to. If they admitted to fraud it would have blocked the materially misleading rebuttal from Judge Beltrami:
“Well, Emilie’ s been classified with a lot of different diagnoses since she was very young and early intervention, up until she graduated. There was an evaluation done by Dr. Hess which said she had Asperger’s, but she also has cognitive impairment in the form of mild to moderate mental retardation.”
[ No mention of ICD-9 MR317 she was approving for treatment and billing. ]
“She’s had varying IQ scores, but the last report is in the mid-60s, low to mid-60s. Her IQ scores have ranged from the 50s to 60s but definitely below the 70 IQ.”
[ No mention of cigarette burns before cognitive assessment exams ]
Judge Beltrami threatened to put Emilie in a State mental institution unless I agreed. Emilie said he lied about his in-camera interview with her she told him she did not want to attend Camp Hill and she was extremely pissed.
Emilie said she was going to tell her anonymous “judge friend” she was meeting in a dirt parking lot Lehigh University Transition Services was taking her to behind Magistrate District Court 31-1-06 i.e., sex trafficking her. See my press release of the 06/05/2017 suicide of Magistrate District Court 31-1-07 Judge Robert Halal which occurred the same day I filed a motion to show cause seeking the identity of the judge. It addresses at least 7 overt acts to conceal the connection of my case to the public, two overt acts of spoiling ESI, and a lot of relevant conduct.
2011 – 2014 The anonymous judge made threats to me through my daughter: What business emails he was reading, who my clients were, while also letting me know he had physical access to my daughter. My Coercion through defendants Lehigh, officers of the court, guardians Lisa Spitale and Shanon Moore [ responsible for Emilie’s placement at Lehigh ] further concealed their approval of false claim ICD-9 MR317 billing code for Lehigh’s illegal use.
Kraemer v. Pennsylvania
Judge Martini dismissed my case with prejudice as a result of the judges and attorneys fraud upon the Court concealing treatment of ICD-9 MR317:
“He believes that though, he claims, Emilie was originally diagnosed as having Asperger’s Syndrome, a conspiracy made up of some of the defendants changed her diagnosis to mental retardation in order to funnel money to private organizations that specialize in the treatment of such individuals.” Doc. 122 Which is exactly what they were doing.
I filed a Motion To Reconsider. 10/12/2011 PA Attorney General Linda Kelly’s answer to my Motion To Reconsider Doc.134 made circular, vague, arguments devoid of dates and details. Even though she had access to the State’s approval of ICD-9 MR317, she make no mention of it. These public officials knew what I was looking for and sat silent. There were a 152 motions filed. None of the court officers mention the only diagnosis code being billed for treatment —ICD-9 MR317—they knew about. Slipped their minds. Forgot.
10/12/2011 [Doc 134]
PA Attorney General Linda Kelly
Concealed ICD-9 MR317
Kevin Casey, Department of Public Welfare
Concealed ICD-9 MR317
Chief Deputy Attorney General Mark Pacella
Concealed ICD-9 MR317
These PA Executive public officials had total access to Northampton County’s payment requests for treatment of ICD-9 MR317 and repeatedly skirted around my interrogatory about the disappearance of my daughter’s PDD NOS diagnosis i.e., What the fuck replaced it? No answer.
They knew they were concealing fraud: from me, the U.S. Delaware Attorney and Federal Judge Martini.
What is possibly more egregious? The judge that originally, illegally, silently approved the treatment for ICD-9 MR317, Republican Judge Edward Smith, applied for Federal Judge 07/2011 while his Republican comrade 10/2011 AG Linda Kelly concealed its use from the U.S. Delaware Attorney closely associated with President Barack Obama.
Sweet, Stevens, Katz & Williams LLP
Concealed ICD-9 MR317
Freya Koger Lehigh U Transition Services
Concealed ICD-9 MR317
The School District’s attorneys—Federal guardian Marcie Romberger’s husband went to work for, then Romberger quit due to a conflict of interest she always had—knew the District was treating Emilie for IDC-9 MR317 as was Lehigh University Transition Services they were sending her to in the afternoons up until she graduated in 06/2010.
10/18/2011 Case dismissed
All 12 officers of the court and defendants filed Motions to Dismiss right after the PA AG Linda Kelly’s Motion to Dismiss.