Federal Courts Widespread Pro Se Department Corruption

Pro Se Federal Departments, produce dismissals that have no foundation in the merits of your complaint. Pro Se attorneys write the majority of decisions for judges.

All of my SDNY Pro Se decisions sound like they were written for defendants by bribed Pro Se attorneys—because they are. Classic example:

19-cv-6671  Kraemer v. The City of New York

10/18/2019 11:47AM SDNY Courts Motion to Show Cause was insane fraud:

…WHEREAS the Complaint is riddled with entirely implausible allegations of surveillance and surreptitious communications, including nose-swipes, sniffs, and a seemingly omnipresent cabal committed to discrediting and harming Plaintiff…

10/18/2019 4:00PM Federal Court SDNY Pro Se Desk Clerks used the exact same pidgin they promulgated to the public was entirely implausible when I went to file a due diligence motion to find the name of the Pro Se attorney who wrote the capricious bullshit order. “cough, cough, cough.”

That was Pro Se using NYPD PBA union’s threat of future violence. It was soon followed up on. The SDNY Pro Se desk protected a violent child trafficking business that used torture on children to make money. It raises serious questions about Federal Chief Judges capacities and competencies in regard to their administrative duties including and especially court security. The gangsters already know how to work the system.

08/11/2020 CNY Razor Knife attack instigated by the Transition Workers Union after posting an email threads of Lehigh University Transition Services, guardians Shanon Moore, Lisa Spitale about my daughter in parking lots with her anonymous judge friend to the SDNY federal CM/ECF.