05/13/2015 a consultant got CNY-HRA Waverly Center employee Teller No. 2 to alter the City of New York’s public database record. He deleted CNY No. 00035602756F request for the legal rent that was declined by Judge Wendt and replaced it with a consultants fraudulent document falsely promulgating that Edelstein’s rent was legal. A federal crime. No one caught them.

11/2015 after my illegal evection I was referred to NYC MainChance drop-in shelter by NYPD. They aggressively pushed for me to sign a contract for Lutheran Family Health Centers should I become “immobilized or unconscious” while they inoculated a life threatening Bilateral Cellulitis infection in my legs.

1. 04/15/2020 Attempted murder. Kramer v. The City of New York. After I completed a discovery motion seeking information about a CONSULTANT conspiring with CNY-HRA TELLER 2 to alter the CNY’s public record concealing landlord Edelstein’s illegal rent I was face punched with a stun-gun in front of Nordstrom’s on 57th Street. It was followed with a warning about the CNY-HRA discovery. 

2. 09/11/2020 Attempted murder. Kraemer v. The City of New York. After posting Exhibit A to the Appeals Court’s CM/ECF—a chronological listing of ESI spoliation and evidence thefts by the CNY, NYPD and defendants from Pennsylvania—I was smashed in the back of the head at Bleecker park—highly likely with a chair—then reminded about the 04/15/2020 warning. That I wasn’t killed instantly was a miracle. The 6th Precinct never responded to three 911 calls. 

12/18/2014 Edelstein sued for back rent #27965 for her unusable apartment.

Judge Arlene Hahn ORDERED Edelstein to obey Rent Stabilization Law after Edelstein was caught cheating then ordered trial and settlement for 02/05/2015 she said she would be presiding over:

CIV_20141218-1608 Recording 1608 Marker 12:40 we can hear Judge Hahn assign herself to the 02/05/2015 trial. 

I ordered DHCR rent history records 313311 / 313312

Seasoned housing court attorneys said:

Edelstein was cheating for 17 years charging illegal triple rent and owed the Plaintiff $850,973.00 in rent overcharges. The 17 years of illegal rent was also confirmed by DHCR Deputy Commissioner Woody Pascal.

02/05/2015 Judge Peter Wendt presided. Judge Hahn was pulled

Judge Wendt refused to calculate what Edelstein owed the Plaintiff and ordered Plaintiff to put $14,747.40 in escrow as per rule RPAP § 745(2)(a) for an apartment that was unusable, dangerous and willfully used to attempt to murder or maim the Plaintiff.

RPAP § 745 (v) also states however: “The court shall not order deposit or payment of use and occupancy where the respondent can establish, to the satisfaction of the court that respondent has properly interposed one of the following defenses or established the following grounds: a colorable defense of rent overcharge.”

Judge Peter Wendt Stole my property

02/06/2015The City of New York Homeless Prevention Unit Ed Keesley demanded Judge Wendt submit the legal rent CNY# 00035602756F

02/19/2015  Judge Wendt DECLINED the CNY Homeless Prevention Director Ed Keesley’s request for the legal rent. Judge Wendt was not REMOTELY concerned about the law, getting charged, what the DA would do. He was telling the City that he fully intended to rob this tenant. The CNY HRA departments response was to retire Ed Keesley and his email account.

CNY-HRA employee altered the public database record

05/13/2015 CNY-HRA Waverly Center employee [ TELLER # 2 ] altered the City of New York’s public database record. He deleted CNY# 00035602756F request for the legal rent that was declined by Judge Wendt and replaced it with a “CONSULTANT’S” fraudulent One-Shot document falsely promulgating that Edelstein’s rent was legal. A federal crime. Brazen. Yet, no one caught them.

The CONSULTANT conspired with CNY-HRA TELLER 2 to insert his bogus One-Shot record into the City of New York’s public record and removed the inquiry (00035602756F) for the legal rent. The bogus One Shot record used the same illegal rent Judge Wendt used for the $14,747.40 escrow calculation and his subsequent order used to evict the tenant for non-pay of his $14,747.40 order. Linking the CONSULTANT conspiring with JUDGE WENDT on behalf of LANDLORD EDELSTEIN in organized fraud and robbery.
08/19/2015 Judge Wendt illegally evicted the Plaintiff ROBBING him of his apartment for non-pay of Judge Wendt’s BAD ORDER. Putting the Plaintiff on the street with the shirt on his back and a laptop.

11/2015 MainChance Shelter director Ms. Leveen waved the false One-Shot order at the Plaintiff as part of his condition to stay at MainChance. The CNY# 00035602756F demand for legal rent was not in her folder.

Guy from Grant & Associates—a back-to-work program contractor with MainChance— told me why I was captive to his labor program: “I was turned down for a One-shot.” [ The one-shot from the altered public record. See also Vincent Pitta ]

When I asked guy for the CNY 00035602756F demand for legal rent—he said he had no record of it and called me “Miss.” I explained I had a business to run he responded “On the books?” Guy knew he was human trafficking me. 

12/14/2015 I OPEN 15-cv-9839 SDNY KRAEMER V. EDELSTEIN
CNY MainChance deliberately infected me with Bilateral Cellulitis a life-threatening infection that is impossible to get unless it is deliberately inoculated

12/15/2015 CNY MainChance evicted the Plaintiff [ with no winter clothing ] after he opened Federal complaint 15-cv-9839 against Edelstein seeking the collection from the illegal rent, with life threatening, severely infected legs. These greedy assholes acted out without the slightest flinch of guilt—let’s kill him as soon as possible attitude. They knew exactly what they were doing, planed it, executed it without worry almost advertising it. Exhibit 1.27.13

HRA second floor: Black director NO-NAME put on an insane, dramatic, emotional display when I asked about Ed Keesly’s missing 02/06/2015 legal rent request: Yelling at the top of his lungs: “Ed Keesly was not employed there for at least two years.”

CNY Bellevue Hospital ER treated me intravenously for bilateral cellulitis I acquired at MainChance. Bilateral cellulitis is serious and impossible to get unless its
deliberately inoculated.  The ER MD’s were repeatedly puzzled on how in the world I contracted Bilateral cellulitis.

City of New York MainChance dumped what looked like a client from a nursing home with open rotting staph infections in the Center’s sleeping room. It reeked. I worked in a nursing home, recognized the infection and its pungent oder. That MainChance staff would have infected me from handling this client was WELL within the parameters of their corrupt behavior. 

01/14/2016 13th Precinct NYPD sergeant, black hair, 5.10″ male —at Bellevue Hospital attempted to induce me to the tell ER MD’s I was “hallucinating.” “They all do it.” To get out of the cold for 3 days. “They all do it” the NYPD sergeant enticed me to agree to schizophrenia” via extortion. I refused.

NYPD 13th Precinct Bellevue security attempted to extort an invented serious mental health issue by leveraging MainChances deliberate Cellulitis infection, Bellevue ER’s substandard medical treatment with the threat of exposure to sub-freezing temperatures —which could have been fatal—to induce agreement to a false mental health diagnosis after 20th Precinct Brian McGinn allowed my landlord’s repeated attempts at murder, and robbery via the offering of false instrument to housing court—also felony.