
2010 My normal daughter Emilie Kraemer of Easton PA just after her graduation, just before going to college was violently trafficked [sold ] to a special education contractor under the color of law at the Easton PA Area School District, Easton municipality, Northampton County Court of Common Pleas and disappeared 02/06/2015. Abducted by the Northampton County Court of Common Pleas, and attorney Lisa Spitale. The Northampton County executive claims not to know where she is. Emilie was a part time New York City resident. 

07/16/2024 New York State DOE enacted emergency regulation aimed at combating mushrooming fraud in special education and contractors costing billions of dollars.

The DOE cited a 12/29/2022 New York Time’s article that I, Thomas Kraemer instigated causing the emergency action:  “The change comes after a 2022 New York Times report that found New York City was paying over $350 million a year to
private companies that provide special education services”

04/18/2022 The New York Times began its investigation after I wrote to my ex girlfriend a New York Times business editor about extremely violent child trafficking in Pennsylvania to special education contractors under the color of law that ensnared my daughter.

The Easton PA Area School District used abuse before cognitive assessment exams to produce low IQ scores, then approved fraudulent mental disability diagnosis billing codes to send business—manufactured mental disabled students —to outsourced special education contractors. The manufacture of mental disabilities in normal students brought a windfall of federal government money into districts, municipalities, private prisons and homeless services managed by police departments. Incentivizing child abuse, police not documenting it and resulting trafficking to special education contractors.

The School District and Municipality approved a genetic mental disability diagnosis code for their special education contractor Lehigh to treat Emilie on school grounds after I sued them, won, and was ruled out by medical diagnostic, and the education appeals panel. They effectively told me to fxxk off and the Commonwealth refused enforcement. They were self dealing, using my daughter as currency.

Subsequently the New York Times found:

(i). “Dozens of schools in the Orthodox community have pushed parents to get their children diagnosed with disabilities, records and interviews show.”

(ii) “At least two schools have sent out mass emails urging families to apply for aid.” 

(iii). “A third school provided parents with a sample prescription to give their children’s doctors, saying a diagnosis would bring more resources for the school.”

I was the President of Kraemer Inc. for 20 years until I had to contend with my daughter’s trafficking and corollary attacks on my apartment in New York City. My company focused on high-profile professional services firms for which I did marketing problem-solving and brand development. My clients were Author Anderson, Deloitte, PwC, IBM, Swatch, KornFerry International, Marsh, and various and sundry top 50 national and international law firms. The attached facts, my understanding of them are derived from my professional experience and expertise at assessing businesses and
helping them to be more profitable. I consulted for PwC’s Entrepreneurial Advisory  Services Marketing Division for 13 years specializing in business incubators and privately held small and mid-sized businesses.

It should deeply concern the United States Congress that no federal agency caught massive special education fraud. Nor were they equipped to deal with systemic fraud reported from a civilian when I began to figure it out.

HHS at 26 Federal Plaza stated they did not have time for small issues like these.

The FBI desk 26 Federal Plaza was a moras of union corruption.

The SDNY U.S. Attorney’s Office at 26 Federal Plaza basically told me to fuck off. “happens all the time” “were busy” 

Understand —I found billions of dollars of fraud. These children were made to suffer. They will never have normal lives because of evil, sick greed and the Federal agencies were not remotely equipped to discover it even when evidence was handed to them on a platter. 

The conversion of regular education students into special education product brings with it a windfall of government money into school districts and municipalities.

About one in six U.S. students 16% are in a special education.

In 2020 of the 49.5 million American students who went to public school 7.2 million of those were in special education resulting in $77.3 billion in total spending for special education services.

Environmental causes. A substantial proportion of the 7.2 million in special education according to federal statistics are there due to environmental causes.

Injuries impacted their I.Q. scores after they were born. Such as abuse, pollution, lead paint, upon their otherwise normal physicality leading to a mental deficit.

Special education is paid for by the American tax payer as those responsible for the injury are rarely tracked down. See Flint, or Ramapo.

Northampton County Court of Common Pleas facilitated the use of brutal child abuse before school district cognitive assessment exams to drop IQ scores. The low IQ scores were used to parlay regular education students into special education where private vocational contractors would get an opportunity to pick them up as a client.

The Court would write off the organized child torture—just before a cognitive assessment exam—as a domestic issue and coordinate with police departments and child service contractors keeping it out of criminal court. See Gaskin v. the Commonwealth.

04/13/2006 Pennsylvania Department of Education Director Dr. Linda Rhen, threatened Hearing Officer Stengel who ruled in favor of my daughter [ Case No. 5779  05/06 ] for being denied LRE. Dr. Rhen threatened Stengle about her blog that supported the class action ruling Gaskin v. the Commonwealth that would make it harder for the State to skirt federal LRE law. On 06/02/2006 PDE unlawfully fired Linda Stengle in retaliation for interfering with its criminal business.

Emilie’s Fifth grade special education teacher said Emilie did not belong in her class and belonged in regular education. And that MANY of the kids in her class belonged in regular education. The sale of regular education students to outsourced special education contractors was systemic and state protected.

They packaged their victim to look disabled on paper to avoid federal RICO charges:

1. Use of fraudulent genetic mental disability diagnosis codes.

2. Manufacture of Risk Assessment Behavioral Descriptions.
Milestones Community Health aide, Mary Toczek and Emilie’s mother Amy DeRaymond prevented Emilie from having clean clothing, from having clean hygiene, brushing her teeth, or medical assistance then wrote reports she was resistant to these habits to create business for special education employment contractors Milestones, and Lehigh.

3. Manufacture of Cognitive Assessment Results.
The enterprise severely abused Emilie before cognitive assessment testing to drop IQ scores. And then used the manufactured result as the basis to remove Emilie from regular education and refer her to outsourced vocational employment contractors [ free labor].

4. The Northampton County Court of Common Pleas chronically obfuscated organized extortion—abuse and torture—before cognitive assessment exams as domestic violence.

5. Fraudulent Psychological Evaluations designed to conceal organized child torture and trafficking to special education contractors.

04/23/2009 Hugh Smith Ph.D & Associates report produced an insane conclusion. It identified Emilie as having cognitive issues completely medically disassociated from organized torture inflicted upon her before the 2008 cognitive assessment exam.

Third degree burns were confirmed by an MD. Hugh Smith Ph.D & Associates referred only to Judge Moran’s ruling dismissing my PFA: A history domestic abuse or physical or sexual abuse toward Emilie was alleged by Mr. Kraemer against Mrs. Fontno (DeRaymond); however was unfounded.”

6. Laundering Domestic Terrorism.
Many of Northampton Countys Judge’s participated in a scheme of calling organized torture used to create business for private contractors a “domestic issue” keeping it out of criminal court.

The mother, Amy DeRaymond who I sued for custody testified that Emilie’s diagnosis was PDD NOS [ mild autism ] while she was signing to treat Emilie for genetic mental retardation ICD-9 MR317. The Court’s in-house guardian, Lisa Spitale sat in federal settlement, watched her attorney lie they agreed with PDD-NOS while they were sending business to Lehigh to treat Emilie for ICD-9 MR317 in exchange for bribes.

How the fuck are any of these people allowed to have these jobs? 

01/31/2022 U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland released the Justice Department’s National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking pursuant to the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, 34 U.S.C. § 20711(a). 04/2022 I wrote to the Times and 12/29/2022 the Times conformed systemic trafficking in the billions of dollars.