Police facilitation of a violent child trafficking business and related federal judge appointment

The EASTON PA Area School District and Northampton County government were running a child trafficking enterprise. The core business steered normal school students to Individual Education Program (IEP) service providers contracted with the county by abusing them before cognitive assessment exams. The abuse caused resistance to taking the cognitive assessments and fear to perform well on them. The low IQ results were used to recommend the student for IEP support by the director of special education. Consultants used the district's manufactured IQ results to bill treatment via false claim diagnosis codes. They were self-dealing healthcare business by abusing school students.

Self dealing to county contractors

The contractors submitted claims to treat ICD9 diagnosis codes for congenital mental retardation the student did not and could not have. In my daughter's case, Emilie, her fragile x chromosome diagnostic was normal. No defects. Minimal copies (CGG repeat expansions) that would have caused diminished synaptic function.

What did the Northampton County PA police do? Nothing. They were paid off to do nothing. Torture, third-degree burns, beatings, tasing, before exams facilitated by the school district were protected by police omission.

Most people do not understand how corrosive police omission is when bribes are involved. 8/2012 my daughter had multiple third-degree cigarette burns. One down to the bone. My sister, a deputy and best friends with the judge who signed off on my daughter's false diagnosis code. Did nothing.

She said: Huh? Oh. Well, let's talk about something else. I pushed her to do something. No notes. No acknowledgment. No arrests. Then the association-in-fact enterprise statement after I pressed further.

Maybe I was "overreacting"

Deputy Gretchen Kraemer made it perfectly clear she was part of a child trafficking business that tortured kids. She and her fellow officers would use their badges to protect that business by vigorously keeping evidence of it out of police records. The blue wall brand had PALS stickers on their squad car's bumpers.

I'm sure my sister's squad car had one.

The cigarette burns were identical to ones previously diagnosed by a top dermatologist and concurred by two NYS Chief Medical Examiner MD's.

MAY 30. 2005 U.S. Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel #0000011 in regard to the treatment of U.S. war detainees:

"Much of the condemned conduct goes far beyond the CIA techniques and would almost certainly constitute torture under United States Law. See, e.g., ... Pakistan (beatings, BURNING WITH CIGARETTES, ELECTRIC SHOCK); Uzbekistan (electric shock, rape, sexual abuse, beatings)...."

The synergies between an IEP service providers' core business that relied on abuse (torture) to drive capitation and police [ and MH/MR ] keeping it off the books when directly confronted with evidence of visceral abuse were perfectly aligned.

Only the manufactured, violently extorted appearance of a mental deficit from the school district was needed to get an MD to write a ginned up diagnosis code MR317 for a birth defect, congenital mental retardation, the student could not possibly have for county MH/MR officials to release payment from Medicaid for treatment. They did not need a scintilla of actual, real, evidence to process payment claims.

Moreover, because they were peddling a congenital mental retardation diagnosis code for a perfectly normal student, they were also able to get prescriptions to treat depression and anxiety disorders commonly associated with impaired intellectual and adaptive functioning. They destroyed her mind.

And the more they impaired my daughter's cognitive capacities feeding the pharmaceutical industry the more they used their imposed diminished intellectual result as justification for treatment. i.e., the illegal core business generated other lines of illegal business.

2011 The Northampton County judge who signed off on false claim diagnosis MR317 after I sued the District, won due process and the appeals panel opinion that specifically ruled out MR317 applied for a federal judge. When he did that [I live in New York] NYPD helped him by allowing the deliberate contamination - toxic fumes vented in through the floorboards - of my apartment. Keeping me busy during his application process and U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee milestones.

After Emilie's graduation, social services, home and community based and job placement services ( the IEP service provider that also worked for the Easton Area School District ) drove my daughter around the county nowhere near her home, taking her to parking lots near police ( the same police who omitted their duties ) and private residences. She began having "judge friends" visit her during her all-day parking lot stays. They were human trafficking her.

3/26/2014 Judge Ed Smith, a child torturing, child trafficking enterprise member was appointed federal judge because POLICE vigorously helped him conceal a violent child trafficking business they were party to and facilitated violent interstate racketeering. On 3/27/2014 Emilie's guardian doubled her medication causing seizures.

After President Trump nominated judge Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court we learned that FBI background checks only look at recent police reports for federal judge applicants. The police were in child trafficking business with judge Ed Smith. There were no reports.

Teachers who knew what was going on were terrified to come forward. Emilie's guidance counselor who kept notes on suspected abuse was made to erase them by the School District.

The outsourced Individualized Education Programing (IEP) healthcare service providers working for your school district have a vested interest in growing their business. The Northampton County government and Easton school district had a variety of methods to implode academic performance during school hours to self deal business. I will be adding those methods via white paper in a few weeks.


Impact on the business community.

Aside from the business being utterly repugnant and criminal it adversely affects interstate commerce, costing taxpayers a lot of money.

7/14/2016 My laptop was stolen just after meeting with an MIT data engineer. Deliberate ESI spoliation was a reoccurring problem in relation to gleaning discovery information. The problem I wanted the engineer to help solve (by pulling data from various data silos) was to distill manufactured cognitive disabilities imposed upon an IEP student from congenital disabilities. In Northampton County an MD simply added a birth-defect where none existed raising the question; how often does that happen?

The National Center for Education Statistics states the number of students ages 3 to 21 who received special education grew from 13% of the total US school population to 14% from 2010 to 2020.

However, IEP trends I collected from the Data Accountability Center for years 2004 to 2008 on a state by state basis presented a very different picture. It showed some states steadily reducing the number students needing IEP programing and a few states sharply increasing their IEP population. Pennsylvania being at the top of the list. IDEA 2004-2008

MACPAC and KFF estimates Medicaid home and community based service for those with intellectual/developmental disabilities average around $46,000 per year and for those at an intermediate care facility $140,057 per year.

In Pennsylvania during the years my daughter was child trafficked PA grew its IEP population by 0.75% or 12,772 students. Or between $587 Million to $1.7 Billion in potentially bogus invoices to medicaid in that state alone. Or 12,772 public student lives destroyed, viscously maimed into disability.

That is, the health care entities that were facilitating Emilie's abuse and self-dealing are at the top of the food-chain getting paid the most for manufacturing an intellectual disability with [bribed] cops protecting their use of abuse needed to increase business capitation.

People with a disabilities should be able to get all the help the can of course.

Removing bottom feeding slime from our schools, police departments and legislature ought to be a top priority. And taken out with an extreme prejudice. They are not going to tell you they are in a violent predatory business.

2015 I filed a federal lawsuit 15-cv-1755 in the SDNY regarding Northampton County's continued use and treatment of my daughter using false claim mental retardation diagnosis code MR317 ruled out by the PA ODR Education Appeals Panel and by medical diagnostic. I was warned by top NYS lobbyist Pitta, Bishop & Del Giorno's CFO I was working for that:

"You don't decide we decide"

Making it perfectly clear my assertions of violent racketeering and trafficking of public school students by IEP health care service providers was spot on. Decide indeed.

If you find it difficult to believe that a community of schools, judges, cops and health care professionals could be so depraved see Kids for Cash 2008 in Luzern County PA. Over 3,000 school students were sent to private prisons in exchange for cash bribes to two judges. State backed organized violent child trafficking is alive and well at your local school district.


Chronological tables and facts supporting this article can be found here:

Sample articles on abuse and its direct impact on IQ can be found here: